Power will now be ready with the help of Wi-Fi signals
01 Apr, 2020
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have invented an experimental device using Griffin to generate electricity using Wi-Fi signals.
According to the details, termed "Terra Hertz Recti Fire", consists of square shaped microscope griffin fragments beneath which a layer of boron nitride is laid.
WiFi signals pass through the device seamlessly to the smartphone or smartphone device's antenna.
Remember that the terahertz transmits some of its energy into the Griffin's electrons in the reactor fire, causing them to flow in a certain direction as direct current (DC). This can work in current charging.
On the other hand, the more pure the Griffin in the terahertz rectifier fire, the better its performance.
It should be noted that the experts who invented the device stated that it is intended to prove only one and only concept, so no charging device from Wi-Fi signals should be expected to be available in the market soon.