Walking, dining in hotels, playing cricket on the road and ...  The survey told everyone

The Corona virus has forced the entire world to live in homes because of lockdowns, and the small things that people have in common seem to value their value in captivity. In regards to this, our web team organized a survey on social media asking the people involved what are the things they would like to do after the lockdown ended? This blog is organized by the responses of approximately fifty people aged between 20 and forty.

1: Meeting relatives
When people were asked about the survey in the survey, most people said they would like to visit their closest relatives who were contacted by video call only - and all thanks to the end of the trial. And everyone will go to the homes of the loved ones and invite them to their homes too.

2: Travel in public transport
With Lockdown's announcement, public transport was shut down, and public transport, which seemed like a punishment in the normal days - was locked in the days of Lockdown, and seventy percent of the population was missing. They said they wanted to travel on public transport after the lockdown ended, while 30% wanted remote tourism - and said they would stay in those places after being protected by the Corona virus. To those who haven't seen it before -

3: Will work
In the long run of Lockdown, when people were in unemployment, they realized the importance of employment and realized the value of the work they used to do before in the form of a punishment - fifty. Percentage of people said they would like to complete their unfinished work, which was left unfulfilled because of this lockdown, while there were groups of people who believed that this long opportunity told them the value of the job. And that is why they want to work harder than ever.

4: Go to the restaurant and have dinner
Hotels and restaurants are closed on lockdown days and everyone is forced to eat homemade food, although some restaurants have delivery facilities, but people are being careful about ordering food out of fear of the Corona virus. - That's why most people are missing out on all these things, so after the lockdown ends, they will first go to their favorite restaurant to eat and try all the things they missed during those days. - Includes round gossip, licks, egg burgers, french fries pellets and more.

5: You will breathe deeply without fear
After the lockdown, without leaving a mask, he will go out of the house and take a deep breath and inhale the outside air, the smoke of the vehicles outside, into his lungs and feel the scent of gasoline and smoke.

6: Cricket will be played on the road
The youngsters have also planned to play cricket with their friends on the street after the lockdown ended, which their elders have strictly forbidden these days.

7: Shaking hands with every passing human being
Lockdown forbids humans from shaking hands And shake hands with those who have never met before.

8: Will be shopping
Due to a long lockdown and closure of all the need stores, a long list has been accumulated which people have to buy. As soon as the lockdown is over, all of these items will be purchased.